
Table of contents

  1. Pachira 3-Token Model
    1. RICH
    2. CHIR
    3. RICHIR
  2. System Token Types

Pachira 3-Token Model

The 3-token model serves as Pachira’s on-chain revenue distrubution system that services its Liquidity Tree products, and are as follows:


  • Pre-sale token
  • Pays no dividend
  • Static supply
  • Can use to earn RICHIR token under no escrow term; useful for short term strategy


  • Reserve-backed currency
  • DEFT token serving as unit of account to Pachira system
  • Gets issued as an NFT to the user under a vesting period based on the selected term
  • Pays no dividend
  • Dynamic supply
  • Can use to earn RICHIR token under escrow term; useful for long term strategy


  • Holders receive dividends from Pachira protocol fees
  • Get RICHIR via RICH and/or CHIR tokens
  • Is an index token of CHIR (see explanation for more info on index tokens)
  • Dynamic supply

System Token Types

Token Non-custodial Supply Description
Native yes N/A Native market tokens (eg, ETH, BNB)
CHIR yes Dynamic Asset backed treasury token
RICH yes Static Pre-sale token
RICHIR yes Dynamic Awarded as protocol fee
Index no Dynamic Continuously rebasing tokens found in layer 1 and 2 LPs (eg, iETH, iBNB)
Tree no Dynamic Continuously rebasing tokens found in layer 3 LP; aggregate of each individual tree activity (eg, tETH, tBNB)